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New York State Government Affairs Practice

The actions and policies of New York State government often have a significant effect upon those who live and do business in the state. In order to promote or protect their interests, many businesses, associations and individuals become involved in state proceedings. However, participating in the state's legislative, executive and regulatory processes can be complex and confusing without the proper knowledge and experience. Emilio A. F. Petroccione, Esq. maintains a government affairs practice that assists clients in meeting the challenges of interacting with each branch of state government.

Legislative, Regulatory and Legal Services

Our government affairs practice offers a number of legislative, regulatory and legal services to clients. We begin by conferring with clients to analyze and determine the nature and extent of their government relations needs and goals. This enables us to establish an overall agenda and develop strategies for particular bills or regulations. Based on this need, we offer the following services:

Legislative Services:

  • Monitoring and tracking of New York State legislation that provides clients with timely information concerning the introduction, activity and status of all relevant bills.
  • Reviewing and analyzing legislative bills and drafting language for proposed bills, memoranda and comments as directed by our clients.
  • Advocating our clients' interests before the Governor's office, the state legislature, state agencies, and state authorities by directly communicating with public officials and their staffs.
  • Enhancing our clients' visibility among state policymakers by having a presence in Albany and by educating state officials concerning the identity and interests of our clients on critical and pertinent topics.
  • Identifying and designing approaches to reduce or prevent legislative initiatives that would adversely affect our clients.
  • Arranging for the introduction of bills in the New York State Senate and Assembly, and promoting the passage of bills through the state legislature and enactment by the Governor.
  • Regularly consulting with clients concerning substantive, political, and other state activities to evaluate ongoing positions and strategies.
  • Assisting clients with meeting their obligations under New York State's lobbying law including all reporting and filing requirements.
Regulatory and Legal Services:

In addition to legislative representation, our government affairs practice offers regulatory and legal services in connection with state agencies' implementation and enforcement of statutes, regulations, and policies. We offer clients the following services:
  • Monitoring and tracking New York State regulatory and rulemaking proceedings relevant to each client.
  • Representing clients in rulemaking proceedings before state agencies and authorities. This includes analyzing and evaluating proposed regulations, interacting with state officials, and drafting comments and/or suggested language modifications.
  • Representing clients in enforcement, compliance and other adjudicatory proceedings before state agencies.
  • Providing legal services in association with government activities including judicial actions when necessary.
Overall, we possess years of experience in representing and counseling clients in regulatory, adjudicatory and legal proceedings concerning the interpretation, compliance and enforcement of state laws, rules and policies.

Emilio A. F. Petroccione, Esq.

Mr. Petroccione is a New York attorney and lobbyist with more than 25 years of experience representing trade associations, not-for-profit organizations, coalitions, and individual clients before the New York State Legislature, the Governor's Office, State Agencies, State Authorities and the Courts.

He received his law degree from Albany Law School of Union University in 1982 and was awarded a bachelors of science degree cum laude from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institution, Troy, New York, in 1979.

Mr. Petroccione is admitted to practice law before all the courts of New York State since 1983, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York since 1983, and the United States Supreme Court since 1991.

In addition, Mr. Petroccione is:

  • A registered lobbyist with the New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics and its predecessors since 1986.
  • A member of the New York State Bar Association, the Association's Environmental Law and Energy Law Sections and the Petroleum Spill Taskforce.
  • A member of the Albany Law School Government Law Center (State Government Relations group).
  • A member of the Albany County Bar Association.
  • A charter member of the New York State Capital District Chapter of the National Italian American Bar Association.
Areas of Practice

  • Legislative Representation
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Energy Law
  • New York State Procurement Law
  • Trade Association and Non-profit Association Law
  • Public Utility Law
  • Consumer Protection Law

Emilio A.F. Petroccione, Esq.
187 Wolf Road, Suite 202
Albany, New York
518-281-0670 (Cell)
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Attorneys with the Petroccione Law Firm, LLC counsel and represent clients throughout New York State. Mr. Petroccione has also represented clients before agencies of other states.